It is my birthday! Yeepe! Thanksgiving to God for
sustenance. It has taken His hand, grace and mercy.
In retrospect of the year that has been, the past few months
have been interesting. Weeks that have had both bad and great tidings – kind of
a mixed grilled.
First, it was the joy of hearkening to God’s stealth voice
and getting to reach out to a friend. Just to make them know they are loved and
appreciated. Wow! What a blessing it turned out to be. The tears of joy... And just knowing that you have touched a soul.
I guess that’s what Jesus meant in Matthew when He says at
the end of time, He will acknowledge that when I was hungry you fed me, and when
I was naked you dressed me. Our little
acts of generosity go along way. Our Jerusalem so to say, before we seek to
conquer Judea, Samaria and the rest of the world.
Then came moments of walking with hurting loved ones.
Hurting from breakups, imminent breakups, bereavement and even sickness. Always
a bitter pill to swallow.
Without sounding like a ‘Fruit inspector’ or God’s auditor,
you would imagine people especially those closest those hurting and undergoing
challenges would come close and help create sanity. Shock! Most become the
voice of confusion and sources of pain. They quickly turn from
supporters/comforters to agents of division, discriminators, and worse - hate-mongers.
No wonder the Bible says the heart of man is DESPERATELY wicked. I mean, it can
only be a wicked heart that will go out to cause more pain and hurt to an
already broken heart that is shouting out for bandaging and mending. May the
Lord help us!
Then came politics. Full swing and full-time. What! Haven’t
we been constipated from the intrigues that are going on... alignments, re-
alignments and counter-alignments. Coalitions and marriages – both mature and immature
ones. Continued bickering, wrangling and mudslinging among other dirt that
politics unearths. I have had more than enough of it, yet we still have months
to walk on this path before the actual voting takes place. Oh, actually, we are
counting days now.
The climax of it all, the JUBILEE!!! Wow! Don’t I love this!
That I am honoured to be alive at such a time. That I am a partaker together
with the saints. It is such an honour.
I bless God!