Anyone who does not know the story of Paul the apostle and how he became a Christian?! Reading about his ministry, i am humbled by his acts. As a new believer, Paul and Barnabas are enthusiastically ministering in Lystra and Derbe (Acts 14:8-20). After Paul prays for the healing of a man who had never walked, the ignorant people of this region decide these must be some kind of gods. So they decide to offer sacrifices to them. This really incenses Paul and Barnabas who tear there clothes in anger and move in fast to stop the blasphemy - save them from their detriment. This is what i call humility!
How many of us would jump at such an opportunity and want to show even more miraculous works...!!! How many of us will do everything to cause a stir and receive such an honour! We will want people to get to hear of 'our' mighty deeds and how we are so 'great.' Forgetting that its not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord.
This is what ails our society - taking credit even when we dont deserve it. We do anything to have people revere us. This is what has gotten us into this corners we are trying to pull ourselves out of. We grab public land to give to our fanatics, and now we have no more spaces for public developments. We curve off forest land to create farmland for our allies and tribesmen, now we suffer serious drought and consequently serious famine. We allow theft in public coffers and now we suffer poor infrastructure - in medical services, transport, resources leading to this big economic collapse/issues we are crumbling with, and in turn get ourselves in big debts that will take forever to clear. We give our illiterate relatives high calibre jobs and now we suffer poor services because of the poor foundations we laid. The list is endless.
Alright, a few of us have woken up from our slumber, and are now raising voices to try and correct the situation before it gets wa...y out of hand, and what are we doing?! picking up daggers and running after them for their heads.
I dont want to sound like a pessimist. i strongly believe that humility is what will take us back to the place where we should be. The place where we belong.
Are we willing to get down to our knees and surrender?! Are we willing to admit that we have been too wrong and are ready and willing to seek direction?! Are some of us willing to say i have been here too long yet nothing has ever gone right and step aside for fresh blood?! Is the young blood willing to take a self-examination to rid their minds of the old rhetoric and get their fresh and greater ideas to work with?! Is someone willing to voluntarily vacate the illegal forest lands they are occupying to have forest cover reinstated for the good of our land?! Is someone ready to accept that they have been wrong, that they have stolen from the public and like short Zaccheus return what they stole plus the profits it has accrued thereof to the public?!
Oh, God, take us back to the place of prayer!!!
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