The other day while asleep, the word of God came to me in a very powerful and special way. This is a story i have read and heard many times, but this time is sounded so different- a new revelation. This is the story of Esau and how he sold his birthright for a plate of food (Genesis 25:29-34). In this excerpt, the Bible records that Esau gave in to Jacobs blackmail because he 'despised his birthright.' This got me thinking how we have easily given away our inheritance without much thought. We look for quick fixes in life like; marriage partners, well paying jobs, favours, better living standards and so on. No one cares to seek the heart of God in whatever it is. We seldom count the cost. As long as we are assured of the above or more, we quickly jump onto the bandwagon.
i guess this revelation came out of the sadness that had filled my heart earlier in the day when i ran into one of my former friends and churchmate we served together with in church so faithfully for long. I noticed she had disappeared and assumed it must have been work or something related. Only to bump into her on the streets excitedly sharing how she had moved to another church, gotten married as a FOURTH wife and enjoying it. This pierced my heart!
Why would a Christian who knows God's standards end up in such?! Do you know what her response was? God had taken too long to bring the right man along. She even mocked me when i said i was still waiting on Him.
I mean, why do we expect God to be patient with us even when we lose the way yet never want to be patient for His promises?! We are assured of eternity in Him?!
Is this not the same attitude that led Esau to sell his birthright?! Wanting to fill his tummy there and then - the fast foods style. As long as there is no waiting to it, its all well with us regardless of the price.
And what did Esau lose when he gave up his birthright? Jacob inherited all of his family's blessings. He was blessed with all of heavens blessings. He was to rule over Esau and would become the great nation that God had promised Abraham his grandfather (Genesis 27:28-29). Can you imagine that! Picture this; blessings of heaven's dew, earth's richness, abundance of grain and new wine, nations to serve you and peoples to bow down to you. Ruler over your brothers, those who curse you be cursed and on and on. Its only at this point that Esau realises that he has nothing left (Genesis 27:36-40). How sad!
Do you know what it calls for for use to receive all of the promises lined out for us? FAITH. Faith is said ti be things hoped for. Reliance. Trust. Confidence. Expectation. Belief. Loyalty. Creed.
The Bible records of many people who relied on God fully to fulfill His promises. Even when it did not seem realistic, when it made no sense, they still saw sense in trusting God. There are so many tetsimonies recorded about this persons. God Himself gave testimonies about them. What does God say about us? Would God stand out for you like He did for many other Bible characters? About Abraham He said, "a man of great faith." About King David He said, "a man after my own heart. About Job He said, "there is no one on earth like him, he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil." About Jesus He said, "my Son in whom i am well pleased." About Mary He said, "blessed among all women." To name just but afew. If we were to replay the same What would the Lord say about you? That you are one whose care is only about what men will say or does He say He knows whatever may come your way, you will remain faithful?"
Would you honour His word and stay put in anticipation of your inheritnce? what is this inheritance/birthright? The book of John 1:12-13 states "Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God." The moment we receive Christ as Lord and Saviour, we become co-heirs with Him. So why then would we give up our heavenly royalty to dwell in hell with the devil for ever?! Why would short time pleasures precede our destiny?!
As the common cliche goes: patience pays. If only we would hold on a little longer. If only we would allow God to work His fear in us. If only we would focus our sight to things to come - things above. If only...
Quite encouraging..nice exposition